Questions asked.... Respond so individual

Where, inside you, does your art come from? 

I for one don't think it's been about coming from the inside only...
what if it's a reception of image, sights, sounds and tastes along with touch that kind of 
some up a personal response to a inner and outer parts of us that we then extend outwardly and we problem solve to make it a whole, a piece of our personal reaction and receptors to life. 

This question has been asked in many circles I've been in...and I think what is important is as an artist that you know personally more so then anything else. Do you know where it comes from in you?  Not one right direction answer.  And that's the cool part as we-human being continue to address our life's lessons and propose we grow with this knowing of where it comes from.  

I also think it evolves as we do....Every changing keeping us aware and attuned to our truths as being on this one big good earth....let us continue to creatively be in and on our spiritual journeys. 

Good Paths on this Earth
36 x 36 
Collage on Canvas, 
In honor of Earth Day, Sunday April 22nd 


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